Professional Gender Equality Index : publication of the score and results obtained for each indicator for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023

For the fifth consecutive year, Actility has published the Professional Gender Equality Index between women and men, focusing on the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023.

The Index is structured around 5 indicators calculated out of a total of 100 points, aiming to measure various aspects of professional equality.

For 2023, Actility achieved an overall score of 88 points out of 100, showing improvement from 76 in 2022 and 84 in 2021, broken down as follows:

Indicator Points achieved Maximum Number of Points for the Indicator
Pay Gap (in %)
Individual Increase Differences (in percentage points or an equivalent number of employees)
Percentage of Female Employees Increased Upon Return from Maternity Leave
Not applicable
Not applicable
Number of Employees of the Underrepresented Gender Among the Top Ten Salaries
Final total result

In continuation of its actions, Actility has chosen to pursue its approach based on 3 main axes of the annual action plan:

  • Equality of access and career progression.
  • Assessment, prevention, and treatment of pay gaps between women and men.
  • Facilitation of the balance between professional activity and personal/family life / Balance of life times.

Actility is therefore keen to highlight the actions already taken and to continue the approach of continuous improvement and full adherence.

What is LoRa and LoRaWAN white paper techniical overview, benfits and use cases

Learn more about the LoRaWAN technology by downloading the Actility “What is LoRaWAN” white paper